Rock polish or automize
Rock polish or automize

rock polish or automize

Sturdy allows Golem to invest fully on Attack and Speed. Just look at the main EV spreads both Pokemon take.

rock polish or automize

You mention that Golem is 'more sustainable' than Rhydon in the overview. To add on more to Punchshroom's comments.

  • Grass Types can come in on a predicted EQ and either put Golem to sleep or outright KO it, though they must be careful of switching into Fire Punch or Rock Blast.
  • Bulky Water Types give Golem a hard time, as most can take a hit and return the favor in a 4 times effective fashion, as well as burning it with Scald.
  • Golem can also run an Assault Vest tank set to some success, although it loses the niche Stealth Rock gives it.
  • Golem's low speed means that it fits most Trick Room teams, if you want to use it in a Trick Room team, consider an alternate spread of 252HP/4Atk/252SpD/ and a Sassy nature along with Curse.
  • Sceptile also makes a good teammate as Golem can handle Fire types that give Sceptile a hard time, while Sceptile can take care of Water Types.
  • Scarf Mold Breaker Saw for example, has good synergy with Golem, and can take care of Pokemon like Walrein.
  • Overall bulky Pokemon that can take a hit or two and retaliate are bound to stop Golem's sweep therefore strong teammates that can punch holes through there Pokemon are great teammates for Golem.
  • Should be sent in after a teammate goes down, preferably on a Pokemon Golem counters or checks, granting a Rock Polish boost on the switch.
  • Should be sent out once counters are gone, that includes entry hazards and fast Grass and Water types that can ruin Golem's day.
  • Jolly is chosen over Adamant to outspeed certain threats after a Rock Polish boost (reaches 414 speed after a single boost, outspeeding Archeops, Modest Accelgor and non Scarf Typhlosion and Sceptile).
  • Weakness Policy grants Golem a +2 boost to its Attack, making it reach an amazing 638.
  • Lum Berry again saves Golem from Sleep, Poisoning and Burns, but it's a one time use and it stops there.
  • Leftovers give Golem more staying power.
  • Offensive stats are maximized, orienting Golem towards a late game sweeping role or even a wallbreaker early to mid game.
  • Rock Polish is a great set up move to use in conjunction with Sturdy, boosting its speed to usable levels.
  • Fire Punch and Thunder Punch are great replacements of Sucker Punch, providing extra coverage alongside Golem's STAB moves.
  • Sucker Punch is the necessary priority, since even after an Autotomize boost Golem's speed is rather subpar, not to mention that other types of priority can stop Golem cold.
  • Earthquake and Rock Blast are Golem's STAB moves, providing neutral coverage around the tier.
  • Item: Leftovers/Lum Berry/Weakness Policy Move 3: Sucker Punch/Fire Punch/Thunder Punch
  • Magic Bounce Xatu can be a great support teammate.
  • rock polish or automize

    (Dusclops, Dusknoir, Misdreavus, and Haunter fit the role.)

  • Spinblocking is important to prevent Stealth Rock from being removed, also a Taunt user is necessary due to Defog.
  • Offensive Rapid Spin users remove the hazards that break Sturdy and can take advantage of the hazards laid by Golem (i.e.
  • It's important to know when is the appropiate time to send out Golem, otherwise its efforts may be wasted.
  • Adamant is the nature of choice because it further increases the damage output.
  • Lum Berry is chosen due to sleep inducing leads, as well asBurn and Poison breaking Sturdy, giving Golem a second chance.
  • rock polish or automize

    Maximizing Attack and Speed focuses on how long this set is supposed to stick around.It's important to know when to use Explosion.

    #Rock polish or automize plus

    Explosion is great for opening up opportunities for a teammate to set up, plus really dents anything.Stone Edge is recommended if consistent damage is prefered over utility.Rock Blast grants the pseudo EdgeQuake combo, while also breaks Sturdy, Focus Sash and Substitutes.Earthquake serves as primary STAB move, and hits hard coming from its good attack.Access to Stealth Rock + Sturdy, almost guaranteed to set them up.Has great potential, just needs to be used correctly.In comparisson to Rhydon as a SR user it has more sustain, as it doesn't depend on Eviolite it has the ability to use Leftovers.Decent HP, good Attack, amazing Defense.

    Rock polish or automize